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Diversity Committee Workshop: The Inner Lives of Gender Non-Conforming and Transgender Youth, with Nancy Meyer Lustman, Ph.D.

  • 13 Nov 2016
  • 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Whitneyville Cuiltural Commons 1253 Whitney Avenue Hamden, CT

The CSPP Diversity Work Group

Announces a New Workshop in our series

Through An/Other Lens:  Multicultural Perspectives


The Inner Lives of Gender Non-Conforming and Transgender Youth

Nancy Meyer Lustman, Ph.D.

Sunday November 13, 2016

10:30 am- 12:30 pm

Whitneyville Cuiltural Commons

1253 Whitney Avenue

Hamden, CT


The Workshop:Gender identity is the internal sense of one's gender, the psychological meaning we make of the difference in our bodies, our reproductive anatomy and capability. It is the sense of ourselves as male/female or an admixture of both or neither. The experience of one's gender can be relatively stable or fluid at different ages and under different circumstances at both a conscious and unconscious level. Gender identity is nuanced and complex like other aspects of human development. If gender is conceptualized within a simple binary framework, male/female, as opposed to a matrix of possibilities, children whose gender identity and expression do not conform to society's expectations are marginalized and often experience internal conflict and distress.   The purpose of this workshop is to learn about the development of gender identity specifically in children who do not conform to society's expectations for gender expression and identity and to familiarize you with the challenges confronting these children, their families and clinicians.


Nancy Meyer-Lustman, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and clinical faculty in the Yale Department of Psychiatry.   She earned her Ph.D. at Yale in 1983. She was trained at the Yale Child Study Center. She has been in private practice for over 30 years treating children, their families and adults, and has a subspecialty treating gender non-conforming and transgender youth and adults. She has lectured on gender non-conformity at medical conferences, True Colors, Yale Pediatric Grand Rounds, Bridgeport Hospital Grand Rounds,The West Haven Veterans Administration Hospital, and schools.


To Register:  Contact Rita McCleary, Psy.D.:

Registration will be limited to 30 CSPP members.

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