The Connecticut Society for Psychoanalytic Psychology
Presents a Clinical Conference

Mary-Joan Gerson, PhD
The “Present” in Couples Therapy:
Moments of Transformation
Saturday December 1, 2018
10:30 am – 12:30 pm
The New Haven Lawn Club
193 Whitney Ave, New Haven
Lunch will follow for all attendees
This presentation offers a view of couples therapy focused on crucial “moments” of engagement and transformation. From an integrated psychoanalytic, systemic and attachment theory perspective, and drawing on the work of the Boston Change Process Group, specific “moments” in couples therapy will be highlighted. Issues of therapeutic participation, transference and countertransference will be addressed from this triadic theoretical perspective.
Mary-Joan Gerson, Ph.D., ABPP, is a Faculty Member and Supervisor and has served as the Director of theAdvanced Specialization in Couple and Family Therapy at the New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis. She is the Founding President of Section 8, Couple and Family Therapy of Division 39 (APA), and is a supervisor at the National Institute for the Psychotherapies and a faculty member at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine. In addition to over 50 presentations and publications on couples therapy, she is the author of The Embedded Self: A Psychodynamic and Systemic Perspective on Couple and Family Therapy, 2nd edition, Routledge, 2009.
The New Haven Lawn Club
193 Whitney Ave, New Haven
Conference Schedule
10:00 – 10:30 Registration and Continental Breakfast
10:30 – 12:30 Presentation
12:30 – 1:30 Lunch for All Attendees
To Register and Pay
Register and pay online with your credit card or paypal.
To pay by check, print and fill out the registration form and mail with your check to Conference Registrar, Matt Brennan, LCSW, 738 Townsend Ave, New Haven, CT 06512 Mailed registrations must be postmarked by November 20 to qualify for early registration discount.
Mail in registration form: MS Word version click HERE. PDF version click HERE.
Members - remember to log in to register as a member.
Refunds will be given in full if the Conference Registrar, Matt Brennan, LCSW, is contacted at Matt Brennan no later than the Monday before the conference.
Suggested Readings
Gerson, M.J. (2009). The embedded self: a psychodynamic and systemic perspective on couple and family therapy . (2nd edition) New York: Routledge.
Catherall, D. (1992). Working with projective identification in couples . Family Process, 31, pp. 355-367. Click HERE for a copy.
Gerson, M.J. (2007). M.J. Gerson. (2007). The Justice of Intimacy: Beyond the Golden Rule. Contemporary Psychoanalysis 43 (2), pp. 247-260. Click HERE for a copy.
Leone, C. (2008) Couple therapy from the perspective of self psychology and intersubjectivity. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 25 (1), 79-81 Click HERE for a copy.
The conference is appropriate for professionals interested in the practice of psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy. The instructional level of this conference is intermediate.
Learning Objectives
1. Be able to contrast “moments” in individual psychotherapy as defined by the Boston Change Process Group with critical moments in couples therapy.
2. Become more aware of the overlap in thinking and practice between the family systemic and psychoanalytic paradigms.
3. The participants will be able to consider new interventions in work with couples.
Continuing Education
This conference has been approved for for 2 continuing education hours (NASW & Div. 39)
Division 39 is committed to accessibility and non-discrimination in its continuing education activities. Participants are asked to be aware of needs for privacy and confidentiality throughout the program. If program content becomes stressful, participants are encouraged to process these feelings during discussion periods. If participants have special needs, we will attempt to accommodate them.
Please address questions, concerns and any complaints to Ellen Nasper, PhD, at Ellen Nasper.
Art: Study of Dante Holding the Hand of Love, Dante Gabriel Rossetti 1855 – 1856
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery