The Connecticut Society for Psychoanalytic Psychology
Presents a Clinical Conference
Ashley Warner, LCSW, BCD-P
CSPP Member and Author of

Ricochet of Trauma
A Hopeless Therapist and the Healing Potential of Exquisite Empathic Attunement
September 12, 2020
10:30 am – 12:00 pm via Zoom
CSPP conferences will be held virtually,
via Zoom, until further notice.
All registrations must be made and paid for online.
The Speaker:
Ashley Warner, LCSW, BCD-P, received her training at the New York Institute for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology and is a supervising psychoanalyst and on faculty at the Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Study Center, also in NYC. Academic presentations and publications include topics relative to trauma, creativity, and clinical process. Personal writing of acclaim includes her 2014 memoir, The Year After, an emotional collision of trauma and coming-of-age. Ashley is in private practice in Guilford, CT, and NYC.
Patients suffering from devastating personal events compounded by the complexities of developmental disturbance tax the inner resources of even the most seasoned analysts. The case of Theresa is no exception. This presentation follows the precarious treatment of a young woman whose unyielding disavowal of struggle insidiously evoked the therapist’s own trauma, resulting in a crippling countertransferential reaction that risked stalemate in the consulting room. Only Theresa’s tenacity and her therapist’s redoubled commitment to a painstaking empathic process provided the opportunity for a fortified sense of self which allowed healing to begin.
1. Geist, R.A. (2008). Connectedness, permeable boundaries, and the development of the self: therapeutic implications. Int. J. Psychoanal. Self Psychol., 3:129-152
2. Ornstein, A. (2009). Do Words Still Matter? Further Comments on the Interpretive Process and the Theory of Change. Int. J. Psychoanal. Self Psychol., 4(4):466-484
3. Sucharov, M.S. (2013). Thoughts on Wholeness, Connection, and Healing: Moving Toward Complexity in the Analytic Space. Int. J. Psychoanal. Self Psychol., 8(4):379-397
In addition, a PDF of the first chapter of her book The Year After is available at Chapter One.
Learning Objectives
1. Identify complex trauma as a powerful force in the intersubjective field that risks inhibited and rigid response by both members of the analytic dyad.
2. Recognize repair of underlying self structure as primary to relational experience including dialog.
3. Describe the value of empathic function in the strengthening of self structure.
Conference Schedule
10:30am – 12:00pm Presentation
The conference is appropriate for professionals interested in the practice of psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy. The instructional level of this conference is intermediate.
Continuing Education
This conference has been approved for for 1.5 continuing education hours (NASW & Div. 39.)
Enjoy the conference from your own home, via Zoom. A link will be emailed prior to the conference
To Register and Pay
Register and pay online with your credit card.
Refunds will be given in full until the Monday before the conference. To receive a refund cancel your registration online by going to your profile in the upper right corner, select "My Event Registrations" click on the event, then click on "Cancel Reservation." If you have problems, you can contact the registrar, Matt Bukowski.
Members - remember to log in to register as a member. Need to update your contact information? Please login to your profile, then click under your name at View Profile, to make any changes or additions.
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Division 39 is committed to accessibility and non-discrimination in its continuing education activities. Participants are asked to be aware of needs for privacy and confidentiality throughout the program. If program content becomes stressful, participants are encouraged to process these feelings during discussion periods. If participants have special needs, we will attempt to accommodate them.
Please address questions, concerns and any complaints to Ellen Nasper, PhD, at Ellen Nasper.