The Fairfield County Region and The CEDA (Committee for Equity and Diversity Education and Action) are co-sponsoring a free video presentation:
"Decolonizing Psychology"
on Friday, October 23, 2020
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Presenter: Sunil Bhatia, M.A., MED, Ph.D.
Professor of Human Development, Chair of the Human Development Department, Connecticut College. Interim Chair of Education Department. Author of “Decolonizing Psychology: Globalization, Social Justice, and Indian Youth Identities. Oxford University Press, 2017, winner of the APA’s William James Award for Outstanding Book in 2018, and runner-up for Outstanding Book award by the International Congress for Qualitative Inquiry.
Moderator and Discussant: George Hagman, LCSW
Dr. Sunil Bhatia, tells us how his personal and professional history led him to challenge “psychology’s claims of universalism and its refusal to acknowledge history, culture, and politics”. He organizes his talk around three very ambitious questions:
1) How has Euro-American psychology as a dominant force supported colonization and racialized models of self and human development?
2) How do we “decolonize” and decenter particular language, ideas, symbols, and “acculturation” narratives that reflect and perpetuate dominant Euro-American values?
3) How can we co-create, share, imagine a “decolonized” therapeutic/clinical context? Bhatia’s effort towards a decolonization of psychology focuses on “examining our own power and shedding light on the ways we are complicit in creating the very systems we seek to change”.
The main body of this presentation focuses on our understanding of migrant selfhood and the acculturation process, and how this term needs to be decolonized. Bhatia concludes by putting forth his vision of a transnational cultural/critical psychology which is highly attuned to how human development is shaped by contexts of power, racism, citizenship, coloniality of psychology, whiteness, and marginality.
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If you have any questions about this event,
contact: George Hagman
This event is open to all.