Please join us for our eighth seminar in the
CSPP Seminar Series for
Early Career and Student Members
“Foundations of Psychoanalytic Technique: Curiosity, Compassion & Radical Openness”

Instructor: Rita McCleary, Psy.D.
Mondays, April, 4, 11 and 18, 2022
7:00pm – 8:30pm
Via Zoom (link will be sent after registration)
This seminar is open to all Early Career and Student members.
This series is free of charge; maximum participants is 8.
Since Freud established psychoanalysis, the practice has diversified into multiple theories and training protocols. Whatever their orientation, however, each is committed to open-ended inquiry, listening with free-floating, non-judgmental attention, and maintaining and encouraging both the patient's and the clinician's curiosity. This mini-course will focus on Anton Hart's concept and practice of "radical openness" as one perspective on how these core techniques shape our psychoanalytic work. Radical openness is radically relational. Hart explicitly broadens the cultural context of psychotherapeutic work and argues that clinicians must remain as curious about their own unexamined assumptions, prejudices, and unconscious motivations as they are about their patients’.
Rita W. McCleary, PsyD earned her doctorate from the Chicago School of Professional Psychiatry in 1988. After a two year post-doctoral fellowship at the former Yale Psychiatric Hospital, she began a private psychotherapy practice in New Haven in 1991, while continuing at Yale as an Assistant Clinical Professor in the Department of Psychiatry. She has supervised and taught psychological testing to Yale psychology fellows and also supervises Yale psychiatry residents' long-term psychodynamic treatment cases in the Long-Term Care Clinic. Dr McCleary is the author of Conversing with Uncertainty: Practicing Psychotherapy in a Hospital Setting (1993, The Analytic Press; republished by Routledge, 2016) and a chapter in how best to write up personality testing data in Essentials of Assessment Report Writing, Eds. Lichtenberger, Mather, Kaufman & Kaufman (Wiley, 2004).
For more information: Rita McCleary, Psy.D.