Robert Grossmark, PhD
The Untelling:
Enactment, Narrative and Time in Psychoanalysis
Zoom Conference
Saturday March 12, 2022
Presented by
The Connecticut Society for Psychoanalytic Psychology

Art: Rainey Bennett, Quiet Blue, 1960. The Art Institute of Chicago, Mr and Mrs Seymour Oppenheimer Purchase Fund and Olivia Shaler Swan Fund.
11am - 1 pm
2 CEUs (Div 39 & NASW)
NOW — no extra charge for CEUs!
On Zoom
Check-in begins 10:30
A Zoom link will be sent to all registrants the day before the event.
The Speaker
ROBERT GROSSMARK, PH.D, ABPP is a psychoanalyst in New York City. He works with individuals, couples and groups and conducts national and international psychoanalytic study and supervision groups. Dr. Grossmark is on the teaching and supervising faculty at the New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, The National Institute for the Psychotherapies Program in Adult Psychoanalysis, The National Training Program in Psychoanalysis, The Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society Training Program and lectures at other psychoanalytic institutes and clinical psychology training programs nationally and internationally.
Dr. Grossmark is an Associate Editor for Psychoanalytic Dialogues. He is the author of The Unobtrusive Relational Analyst: Explorations in Psychoanalytic Companioning and co-edited The One and the Many: Relational Approaches to Group Psychotherapy and Heterosexual Masculinities: Contemporary Perspectives from Psychoanalytic Gender Theory, all published by Routledge, Taylor & Francis.
His website is at:
The Talk
Trauma and neglect often remain unrepresented and unremembered. They reside in an “unpast” that retains a hold over the psyche limiting thought and experience. Working with “what is not there” an unobtrusive relational analyst companions the patient into worlds of inchoate experience that announce trauma and neglect in the dimension of mutual enactment and create an “untelling” of what is not yet known or thought. A case example will amplify these ideas and illustrate how the unknown “unpast” is transformed via the “untelling” of mutual enactment into lived experience that can then become the past and allow the patient to be free.
Conference Schedule
10:30 – 11 Registration
11 – 1 Presentation
Learning Objectives
Participants will be able to:
1. Orient to their own experiences with patients as incarnations of the patient’s unexperienced early trauma and be unobtrusive to these arisings.
2. Discern the states that require unobtrusive companioning as opposed to states where companioning might involve more vocal and impactful presence.
3. Recognize mutual enactments as narratives and will be able to observe the creation of meaning from within the enactment.
Grossmark, R. The Unobtrusive Relational Analyst”, Psychoanalytic Dialogues, (2012), 22:629-646.
Grossmark, R. The flow of Enactive Engagement. Contemporary Psychoanalysis, (2012) 48, 3, 287-300.
Grossmark, R. Psychoanalytic Companioning, Psychoanalytic Dialogues, (2016) 26: 698-712
Read online:
The conference is appropriate for professionals interested in the practice of psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy. The instructional level of this conference is intermediate.
Continuing Education
This conference has been approved for for 2 continuing education hours by Div. 39. Division 39 maintains responsibility for this program and its content. Social workers can receive continuing education credit through NASW/CT.
If CE credit is desired, please mark the appropriate box on the registration page, for our records. In addition,100% attendance and a completed evaluation form is required to receive CE credit. The evaluation form will be sent in the form of an online survey to all registrants within a few days after the event, and if you attend the full conference and return that you will be sent a PDF certificate.
To Register and Pay
Members - remember to log in to for member discount.
If you do not log in, you won't be recognized as a member.
All registrations must be made and paid for online.
Refunds will be given in full until the Monday before the conference. To receive a refund cancel your registration online by going to your profile in the upper right corner, select "My Event Registrations" click on the event, then click on "Cancel Reservation." Questions/problems, please contact the registrar, Christopher Greene, LCSW.
A Zoom link will be sent to all registrants the day before the event.
Members and Contacts - Need to update your information?
Please login to your profile, then click under your name at View Profile, to make any changes or additions, including changes of email addresses. If you have problems, contact Rebecca Jordan
CSPP Membership: Membership is open to all mental health professionals ($85 annual dues); early career (less than 7 years since degree, $50 annual dues); retirees ($30 annual dues); and graduate students ($20 annual dues). For further information on membership in CSPP please click here: CSPP
Division 39 is committed to accessibility and non-discrimination in its continuing education activities. Participants are asked to be aware of needs for privacy and confidentiality throughout the program. If program content becomes stressful, participants are encouraged to process these feelings during discussion periods. If participants have special needs, we will attempt to accommodate them.
Please address questions, concerns and any complaints to Ellen Nasper, PhD, at Ellen Nasper.