Patricia Gherovici, Ph.D.
A Freudian Ticket to Ride:
Psychoanalysis, Time, and Destination
Zoom Clinical Conference
2 Continuing Education Credits
Saturday December 3, 2022
Presented by
The Connecticut Society for Psychoanalytic Psychology

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Just for fun:
11am - 1 pm
On Zoom
2 CECs (Division 39)
2 CECs (NASW): Social Work, LPCs & LMFTs
begins 10:45
A Zoom link will be sent to all registrants the day before the event.
Dr Gherovicci's website is at:
The Talk
This lecture explores time, death, and the drives in psychoanalysis to propose a vivid new metaphor for the psychoanalytic cure. It takes as point of departure the ontological problems of trans identified analysands (who experience their gender issues as a life and death situation and their transition as a survival strategy.)
Dr Gherovicci will sketch a new grammar of the interaction between the “driver and the driven,” using as an analogy for psychoanalysis the role of a taxi driver who is listening while taking the analysand from one place to another. She will explain how a cure can be conducted and brought to a positive issue, the true destination for analysands living precarious lives while proposing a new way of thinking about trans embodiment and gender identity.
The Speaker
Patricia Gherovici, Ph.D. is a psychoanalyst and recipient of the Sigourney Award. A prolific writer, her books include The Puerto Rican Syndrome (Other Press: 2003; Gradiva Award and Boyer Prize), Please Select Your Gender: From the Invention of Hysteria to the Democratizing of Transgenderism (Routledge: 2010) and Transgender Psychoanalysis: A Lacanian Perspective on Sexual Difference (Routledge: 2017.)
Books with Manya Steinkoler: Lacan On Madness: Madness Yes You Can't ( Routledge: 2015) and Lacan, Psychoanalysis and Comedy (Cambridge University Press: 2016.)
With Chris Christian: Psychoanalysis in the Barrios: Race, Class, and the Unconscious (Gradiva Award & American Board and Academy of Psychoanalysis Book Prize; Routledge: 2019.)
Conference Schedule
10:45 – 11:00
Presentation 11:00 – 1:00
Learning Objectives
Participants will be able to:
1. Name two ways in which the analogy of a cab ride can help us think about a psychoanalytic cure.
2. List two things to keep in mind in dealing with trans-identified analysands.
3. Define the concept of sexual difference and its pertinence in psychoanalytic clinical practice.
Butler, Judith. Precarious Life: The Powers of Mourning and Violence, Verso, 2004, p. 128-151.
Freud, Sigmund. Beyond the Pleasure Principle. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud 18:1-64
Patricia Gherovici, Transgender Psychoanalysis: A Lacanian Perspective on Sexual Difference, Routledge: 2017.
The conference is appropriate for professionals interested in the practice of psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy. The instructional level of this conference is intermediate.
Continuing Education
This conference has been approved for for 2 continuing education credits by Div. 39. Division 39 maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
Social workers can receive continuing education credit through NASW/CT. This program has been approved for 2 Continuing Education Credit Hours by the National Association of Social Workers, CT as well as LPCs (Licensed Professional Counselors,) LMFTs (Licensed Marriage & Family Therapists.) These CECs meet the continuing education criteria for CT Social Work Licensure renewal.
If continuing education credit is desired, please mark the appropriate box on the registration page, for our records. In addition,100% attendance and a completed evaluation form is required to receive CEC certificates. The evaluation form will be sent in the form of an online survey to all registrants within a few days after the event, and if you attend the full conference and return that you will be sent a certificate of attendance.
To Register and Pay
Members - remember to log in to for member discount.
If you do not log in, you won't be recognized as a member.
All registrations must be made and paid for online.
Refunds will be given in full until the Monday before the conference. To receive a refund cancel your registration online by going to your profile in the upper right corner, select "My Event Registrations" click on the event, then click on "Cancel Reservation." Questions/problems, please contact the registrar, Christopher Greene, LCSW.
Scholarship registrants: if you need the registration code, contact William Hartmann, MFT.
A Zoom link will be sent to all registrants the day before the event.
Members and Contacts - Need to update your information?
Please login to your profile, then click under your name at View Profile, to make any changes or additions, including changes of email addresses. If you have problems, contact Emily Sinclair, MA
CSPP Membership: Membership is open to all mental health professionals ($85 annual dues); early career (less than 7 years since degree, $50 annual dues); retirees ($30 annual dues); and graduate students ($20 annual dues). For further information on membership in CSPP please click here: CSPP
Division 39 is committed to accessibility and non-discrimination in its continuing education activities. Participants are asked to be aware of needs for privacy and confidentiality throughout the program. If program content becomes stressful, participants are encouraged to process these feelings during discussion periods. If participants have special needs, we will attempt to accommodate them.
Please address questions, concerns and any complaints to Ashley Warner, LCSW, BCD.