Dr. Nancy Boksenbaum and Dr. Amanda Michael warmly invite you to a presentation by Ellen D Nasper, Ph.D. "The Consequences of Childhood Attachment Trauma for Adult Psychopathology" Sunday, February 23rd
Westport Library
20 Jesup Road, Westport
Space is limited. Please register here!
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Meeting Description:
Ellen Nasper will read and discuss her paper on the ways that childhood attachment trauma contributes to the development of adult psychopathology. Interweaving a review of attachment theory, some fundamental neurobiology of attachment, and primarily clinical examples, we will explore manifestations of attachment trauma as they appear in adults. We will focus particularly on the manifestations of preoccupied and disorganized attachment in adulthood, and their relationship to the development of emotional, interpersonal, and self dysregulation and the development of dissociative strategies as ways to manage unbearable post traumatic states. Speaker's Bio:
Ellen Nasper, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist in private practice in New Haven and an Assistant Clinical Professor in the Yale School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry where she has taught an elective on the Consequences of Childhood Attachment Trauma since 2002. She received the Distinguished Faculty Award for her teaching for 2008-2009. Dr. Nasper worked for 26 years for the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, where she provided leadership in the development of trauma focused treatment and led the DMHAS Dialectical Behavior Therapy project from 1995 until 2000. From 2014 to 2022, she served as the Clinical Conference Chair for CSPP (APA Division 39 local chapter). She is now the Coordinator of Educational Programs for CSPP. She is the author of one book and several articles and has lectured at national conferences. FOR QUESTIONS, please reach out to Dr. Nancy Boksenbaum.